
"I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born." Isaiah 66:9

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So, according to my sister I had the days until Cala is due wrong, and she's right. I had just taken what Baby Mama had said and run with it, which kicked me into gear, but also stressed me out just a tad!! So, here's to 134 days and counting!


  1. No matter what...the LOVE starts now! Let the counting begin :)

    How cute is your blog??? Love it, love it...its "HAPPY"

    Tres Bien my Kindred Spirit

  2. Here Here! Countdown til Cala! Woo Hoo!


  3. I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED FOR YOU SWEET FRIEND! I'll be praying for y'all & Baby Cala every single day. You are always in my thoughts & prayers and I can imagine how difficult and stressful this must be. I struggle to find the words to express how much my heart goes out to you & Sean. I know that everything will work out according to God's glorious plan...and I look forward to hearing about each step closer to having Baby Cala in your arms! Know that I am here for you for ANYTHING you need. Love you babe, my dear sister in Christ! Hope to get to hug you soon.
    :o) Karla
